
Magic is the art of intention and attention. It's being connected with the earth and the rhythms of the world around you and letting those inform how you live your life. It's seasonal living, following the path of nature. It's joy found in small moments, anything that gives that spark of humanity.

Magic is what makes living more than just surviving. It's our ability to dream and imagine, our subconscious, our reflection. It's an interconnected web that moves through the world and touches everything in it.

Some people are more in tune with this web than others, but all can connect with it. It just takes learning and listening and practice. Quieting down the noise of the world to connect with the energy that exists beneath it.

A simpler version of my definition:

magic (noun)

1. the art of manifesting will through intention and spiritual connection to the universe

2. the web of energy and life that connects all things

I’ll end with this quote from Amy Torok that popped up on a recent Magick & Alchemy episode:

“You can also go about your life viewing every choice you make as a ceremony, and that to me is a method of great enchantment. You know, nothing is mundane. I can’t remember who exactly said it before, but when you become a witch, you relinquish the mundane. Everything has the potential to be magical and enchanting.”

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Ahhh goosebumps, this is such a beautiful perspective ✨💫

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What a beautiful expression of magic! I feel this so much 🤍 Thank you for taking me on stunning journey just then

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Glad you enjoyed it Jenna 🥰

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So beautifully expressed!!!

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Thanks Rhiannon 🥰 what's your definition of magic?

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Im gonna let the words brew a moment - Im curious yo hear what my heart has to say about magic especially with Mugwort waltzing with my consciousness at the moment!!

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Can’t wait to hear it!

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Thank you so much, Kerani for making this discussion thread. I have been sick with fever the past couple of days and overwhelmed. I’m recovering now and thought what better place to come back to than our little discussion on magic!

Our neighbours have two little kids, four and three, and they’re little raucous minefields! When I’m not too spent, I love their energy and their ability to come up with stories and build entire fictional worlds within a matter of seconds. The other day, the elder one scoured through my dressing drawer and pulled out a hair stick that I make a bun with sometimes. He went about the house waving and calling it his magic wand. So, I leaned into it and asked him what he thought magic was and this was what he told me: “magic is doing magic.” Before I could dismiss it as cute, child-gibberish, he added, “we should do it everyday, everywhere.” This kid knows that magical things happen if you believe in them!

That was what I wanted to share with you all. Lovely comments and definitions of magic on this thread!

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Oh I love that story Ragha 🥹 it really hits home because I *was* that kid growing up. Everything was a game of makebelieve. I remember my sister and I pretending that the lotions and soaps in our bathroom were magical potions that we sold at an apothecary shop in a magical kingdom.

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I’ve been reflecting on this over the last few days... I love all of these thoughts.

To me magic is an earthly expression of the unseen... something that I experience on this plane but that feels like it comes from beyond.

It speaks to me in awe and wonder... activating something in me that connects me to an energy that is greater than what my human mind can see.

It’s everywhere and yet its nowhere.

It’s just... magic! ✨

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Everywhere and nowhere - what a perfect way to sum up the feeling that magic give us. Love this Lauren!

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Magic is a glimmer, it’s the art of noticing the small things. Magic is all around us, you just have to slow down to see it.

It’s the way to sun flickers through the gaps in the trees / the softness of the breeze on your face / how the ocean looks as the sun is setting, light bouncing off of the waves / how delicate a flower blooms / the elegant waltz of leaves as they fall to the ground...

Magic is poetry.

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Oh it really is pure poetry! Love this xxx

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Ohh "magic is poetry" - what a perfectly and succinct way to describe it! I love that.

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Kerani Arpaia, Ragha Abhinaya M

Me.. I am my own specific brand of magic. I am born on Midsummer’s Eve. That’s as magic as it gets.

I love what you have written here.

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This is my favorite answer 🤩

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Oh, Kerani, how beautiful! I don't know that I can add anything to your expression of magic here. For the sake of brevity, I usually just say that magic is anything and everything beyond the apparent. But that doesn't quite get at all that magic is to me. It is a living force and my life is an altar to it.

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Ahhhh yes yes! Living force!!! Adore this xx

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I love that image of your life as an altar! And that magic is what's beyond the apparent - that really touches on what it is for me too, it's the layer of life and energy beyond the surface.

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