I love what you said about how becoming a Mother made you care less about what others think. I’ve found that so much too. Celebrating you sharing your Art, and grateful you do too. Xx

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It was such a drastic shift. The root of all my anxiety for YEARS has been fear of other people's opinions and a 'not good enough' mindloop. My birth experience was pretty traumatic, and I came out the other side literally just not caring anymore. I didn't know that was even possible before.

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I also have felt that loop of ‘not enough’ playing out. I have to watch my self talk so carefully! You aren’t alone in those patterns.

I’m so sorry you had a traumatic experience in birth. X

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Thanks Lauren ♥️ I’m still processing it, will probably write about it at some point when it’s not so tender. Everything was ok in the end despite some scares, and that’s what I focus on now.

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Birth is such a portal and really does take processing. Even those ‘straightforward’ on paper I think need a lot of time to integrate. Writing it will be beautiful when you are ready.

I’ve also found that as time has gone by new layers of processing both my births have surfaced.

Have you heard of Birth Story Listening? It’s a beautiful space to process that some people hold. Xx

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I haven’t heard of that before, is it like a community space?

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I think you can go to circles or also have one to one... https://birthstorymedicine.com/

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I applaud you for being so courageous, for stepping out of your comfort zone time and time again, and for sharing your art with us. I loved reading your words and the way you reframed your thinking. Definitely something I'm going to try next time I want to hide myself in a closet ;)

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Thank you for the kind words Lieke 🥰 it's a constant process isn't it, pushing the limits of our comfort zone until it expands. It definitely helped me to stop fighting the discomfort and just embrace it.

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Absolutely! It’s hard but so worth it :)

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There’s something about lists for me – when I’m overwhelmed about a big problem (or a little problem that I make big) or anxious about a future event. I just whip out my notebook/ open the notes app on my phone and start a list with 1. The rest follows and eventually, I have a way to reframe my mindset. I think the magic is in the numbers, making the problems seem discreet and finite – things that I can solve by taking ‘n’ number of steps.

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Ooooh yes, this! I am a chronic list taker. There's something about getting the thoughts out of our minds and organizing them in written words. It's like a mental version of tidying up. Also I think the organization itself can help things feel less overwhelming - like 'I can't control this situation, but this is an action I can take.'

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Kerani Arpaia

Just love this. For me I often get as low as I can, as in lie on the ground, and deep breathe. I tell myself I’ve got this. This too shall pass, when it’s done it’s done. Somehow I manage it and I find the calmness within me to carry on. Xx

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I love this, such a visceral and literal image of grounding 💚

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I love the idea of viewing experiences as portals. Thank you for this!

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Glad it resonated with you Jenna!

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Thank you for sharing this post, reframing thoughts surely works wonders for us with anxiety. I read somewhere, instead of avoiding stress altogether, what we can do is widening our window of tolerance (healthily, of course).

I'm a Generator in my Human Design, so my strategy is supposedly responding. My fear is more about the question of whether what I do next is "the" step, that garners a good turnaround. Perfectionism makes me freeze, so time and again I need to reframe the thoughts in my head, so that I can actually take actions, regardless they move the needle.

Instead of feeling stuck, paralysed with not knowing which steps to do next, I reframe:

- sharing my content, regular posts on Substack or Instagram as playing my part in healing the world (who knows, someone might feel touched and do something with their life). Any movement in people's hearts = the subtle movement on the spider web of the aether, an energetical shift.

- networking with my community as spreading the net (who knows, a friend of a friend might come up with an offer to speak or consult)

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I absolutely love these reframes.

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